Web 1-two-Web 3: Convenience unlocked๐Ÿ”“

Web 1-two-Web 3: Convenience unlocked๐Ÿ”“

An informational digest on how we progressed from Web 1 to Web3 and what are they?๐Ÿ”ฎ

Web 1๐Ÿ“ฉ vs Web 2๐Ÿ“– vs Web 3๐Ÿช™

  • Web 1.0
    Internet of Connection: Implementations of emails were done, basically connections between agencies.
  • Web 2.0
    Internet of Information: Implementation of information like e-Commerce, YouTube, Reddit, videos, and images on the internet.
  • Web 3.0
    Internet of Value: Implementation of sending or collecting monetary assets like we share photos, movies around us.

Let us look into details about each, so... rev-engines.gif

Web โ˜๐Ÿฝ

  • Development of a host(admins) of web-based applications, usable in establishing online services, such as email.
  • Content was only given by the administrator(read-only content).
  • Managed by a central authority(mostly Government authorities).
  • Email was the first widely adopted and popular application on the Internet.
  • Suddenly, companies started to attempt to cash in on this new technology, most notable was a company called Netscape which developed the first commercial web browser.

two gif

Web โœŒ๐Ÿฝ

  • User-generated content was unlocked.๐Ÿ”“
  • Read was already in web 1 but web 2 introduced write.โœ…
  • Individuals could interact with information both ways(read and provide comments or maybe create their own).
  • Data became a commodity to be collected, harvested, and sold.
  • Websites and applications that let users generate content, social networks became part of our lives, like Facebook, Google+, Orkut, Instagram, Twitter, Google, Wikipedia, and Napster, etc.

Case Study: A glimpse of Web3:


BitTorrent(2001; P2P case)

Their approach:

  • Music was stored on many computers connected peer-to-peer(P2P).
  • BitTorrent's software was purely decentralized.
  • The files were stored as packets on the peers'(those using the file) computer.
  • When a request was made for a song, the software would find the packet and send it to the client.

Consequence faced:

  • Music industry imposed copyright infringement on BitTorrent.
  • BitTorrent was asked to shut down their platform.
  • Since they do not control the software once downloaded to a peer.
  • If two computers are running the software sharing would still occur.
  • Now, BitTorrent is operating today, but with a different business model.


Web ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฝ

  • More Community interaction.
  • More connected, open, and intelligent network.
  • Distributed ledgers or blockchain technology, smart contracts, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
  • Identity and information will be held by the individual, breaking data exclusivity, both parties now store the communications.
  • Bitcoin is the first widely accepted application for the Internet of Value (just as email for Web1).

money exchange

P.S. - Web 1, Web 2, and Web 3 are interconnected, nobody's going anywhere.๐Ÿค๐Ÿฝ

Well folks! that's it for this time. I hope that you've learned something interesting from this one. Make sure to comment on what you've found interesting or any point that I might have missed :)
